Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nigerian Rights Group Says 153 Killed in Election Unrest

There was a Boomberg doing the election and 153 people died in riots across northern Nigeria by supporters of opposition candidate Muhammadu Buhari, who lost the April 16 presidential vote in Africa’s top oil producer. The attack was for President Goodluck Jonathan, and its was  the Muslim supporters of Buhari, a former military ruler. The fighting displaced more than 39,000 residents and injured at least 410 people. Seventeen people were killed in the city of Gombe and 71 injured. Jonathan, a Christian from the oil-rich Niger River delta region, defeated Buhari by a 57 percent to 31 percent margin. Buhari’s party rejected the election verdict.Most international observers, including the European Union, called the vote credible, they said the last election in 2007 was a  described. Buhari won all of the country’s 12 northern states while Jonathan took 23 of 24 in the mainly Christian central and southern states.  Troops have been deployed across the north to quell the violence and in some southern cities to forestall reprisal attacks against Muslims.
More than 14,000 people died in ethnic and religious clashes in Nigeria between 1999 and 2009, according to the Brussels-based International Crisis Group.

I think it was Buhari who started the fight by sending the muslim to kill President GoodLuck Jonathan. Jonathen too wasn't going so he  diceded to sent the christian to fight for him, they both end up killing alot of people. I think Buhari was mad because Jonathen won the election in 2007 and about to win this one too. Buhari is unhappy because he about to lose the election, but i think he try should get more vote instead of tryin to kill Jonathen. 

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