Gov. Stats Page

Government type: federal republic

Branches/Breakdown: chief of state: President Goodluck JONATHAN (since 5 May 2010, acting since 9 February 2010); note - the president is both the chief of state and head of government; JONATHAN assumed the presidency on 5 May 2010 following the death of President YAR'ADUA, he was declared Acting President on 9 February 2010 by the National Assembly during the extended illness of the former president.

Head of Gov.: President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan

Suffrage: 18 years of age; universal

National Holiday: Independence Day (National Day), 1 October (1960)

Diplomatic Rep to U.S: chief of mission: Ambassador Adebowale Ibidapo ADEFUYE
chancery: 3519 International Court NW, Washington, DC 20008
telephone: [1] (202) 986-8400
FAX: [1] (202) 775-1385
consulate(s) general: Atlanta, New York

Diplomatin Rep from U.S: chief of mission: Ambassador Terence P. MCCULLEY
embassy: 1075 Diplomatic Drive, Central District Area, Abuja
mailing address: P. O. Box 5760, Garki, Abuja
telephone: [234] (9) 461-4000
FAX: [234] (9) 461-4036

INTIONAL AFFILIATIONS: The Nigerian Institute of International Affairs was established in 1961, with the aim of providing a nursery of ideas on what direction Nigeria should take on international affairs. Since inception, the Institute has been organising Conferences, Roundtables and Lectures. These are aimed at addressing current foreign policy issues and anticipating others still on the horizon.International Affiliations:
The Institute is a specialized instrument of foreign policy formulation in Nigeria. It serves as an intellectual base upon which decision-makers rely for informed opinion and expert advice in order to make rational choices between contending policy options.

Military Branches: Nigerian Armed Forces: Army, Navy, Air Force

Military Service age& obligation: 18 years of age for voluntary military service 

GDP spent on military:  1.5% of GDP