Friday, April 29, 2011

In final stage of election, Nigerians elect state governors

There was another violance again in Nigeria, so the electon was postponed again, for the 4th times.elections will not take place this week “because the elections that brought the governors of the states in 2007 were flawed and new elections and governors were the results. Governor of the 31 states holding elections this week, the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) holds the governor's seat in 21. six governors are hitting their two-term limit and are therefore ineligible to run again.

I think the violance are too much in Nigeria, they should try to stop all the violance before it get worse. The government really need to stop it because it getting really bad thats  why they need to vote for persident Jonathan so they can have a good environment and good community.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Polling Underway in Nigeria

Voting is underway in Nigeria after last week's presidential election touched off rioting in some northern states. Nigerian voters were accredited at polling stations Tuesday before casting their ballots for statewide offices. It is the third and final round of voting in nationwide elections to choose lawmakers and a president.
Goodluck Jonathan was elected president in a vote last week, after which supporters of opposition candidate Muhammadu Buhari attacked churches, homes and police stations. The human rights group the Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria says at least 500 people were killed in that violence. Buhari says President Jonathan's election was rigged and that he intends to challenge the result in court. The police came to stop it but they couldn't stop because the people attact them too. The group is attacking police and religious leaders because it says they wrongly associate with a federal government that it is trying to sabotage Islam.

As i said at first the government give them the change to do it, if he would had stop this long time ago it wouldn't have happien again but i think the government should sent Buhari to prison for killing all those people for no reason just becasue he lost the election. I think he didnt had the right to do that but he did it because the government couldn't stop him from doing it thats why he did it.

Gunfire, ballot thefts plague Nigeria state races

Last week there waas a gunfire and 500 people was killed in the gunfire. The attacker was one of the people who was voting. Two elections in the states hardest hit by the postelection violence that left charred corpses along the highways are due to be held Thursday.
While international observers applauded Nigeria's legislative and presidential elections held earlier this month, the violence that has erupted in the aftermath has threatened the stability of this major U.S. oil-supplying nation in West Africa. About 700 members of Nigeria's National Youth Service Corps, who were supposed to run polling stations, already had been evacuated from states in the country's Muslim north hit by violence last week.  There was an attack during the electon too, An estimated 40,000 people left amid postelection violence and retaliatory attacks following the April 16 presidential election, and it's not clear how many have returned.

I think the government should have stop this things from happiening long time ago but he didn't take it serious, i think the government should find the person who started the attatck and killed them or take them for life in prison.

Nigeria leader says polls to continue despite riots

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan said on Thursday the final round of elections would go ahead next week despite rioting which has killed at least 120 people across the mostly Muslim north. there was a    launched violent  protests in northern cities this week after Jonathan, Angry youths did the launched, they said that they are tired of  Buhari trying to kill Jonathan.This week a c hristian from the south, was declared the victor of a weekend election, defeating former military ruler and northern Muslim Muhammadu Buhari. Churches, mosques and homes were set ablaze in the worst unrest for years as Buhari supporters rejected the outcome. The total of 260 people had been killed across the north, with the heaviest toll in the city of Kaduna.

I think the angry youths are right because Buhari can't stop trying to kill Jonathan. I think they need to protect jonathan from Buhari. I think the election should be real peaceful eletion, but Buhari is trying to make it violance and some people are voting for him, but  i think the government need to stop him before it gets worst.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nigerian Rights Group Says 153 Killed in Election Unrest

There was a Boomberg doing the election and 153 people died in riots across northern Nigeria by supporters of opposition candidate Muhammadu Buhari, who lost the April 16 presidential vote in Africa’s top oil producer. The attack was for President Goodluck Jonathan, and its was  the Muslim supporters of Buhari, a former military ruler. The fighting displaced more than 39,000 residents and injured at least 410 people. Seventeen people were killed in the city of Gombe and 71 injured. Jonathan, a Christian from the oil-rich Niger River delta region, defeated Buhari by a 57 percent to 31 percent margin. Buhari’s party rejected the election verdict.Most international observers, including the European Union, called the vote credible, they said the last election in 2007 was a  described. Buhari won all of the country’s 12 northern states while Jonathan took 23 of 24 in the mainly Christian central and southern states.  Troops have been deployed across the north to quell the violence and in some southern cities to forestall reprisal attacks against Muslims.
More than 14,000 people died in ethnic and religious clashes in Nigeria between 1999 and 2009, according to the Brussels-based International Crisis Group.

I think it was Buhari who started the fight by sending the muslim to kill President GoodLuck Jonathan. Jonathen too wasn't going so he  diceded to sent the christian to fight for him, they both end up killing alot of people. I think Buhari was mad because Jonathen won the election in 2007 and about to win this one too. Buhari is unhappy because he about to lose the election, but i think he try should get more vote instead of tryin to kill Jonathen. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

MEDIA & SOCIETY: A qualified success

There was some improvement in the election. The effusive praise for the Independent National Electoral Commission in some sections of the media was premature. the heroes are not Attahiru Jega’s INEC and the Goodluck Jonathan administration that are eager to appropriate the modest improvement as monumental achievements, the heroes are the average citizens: the Ibrahims, Adaoras, Chinedus, Efueyes, and Ladeindes who are ever so accommodating, so large in spirit to forgive officialdom, and perform their civic duty. They are the evangelists of hope on which the future depends on. It was they who turned out early with the never-die-spirit of the Nigerian that can move mountains when it is deployed to noble acts.

I think the people of Nigeria should only vote for these average citizens that put their country first and that are the country of nigeria future depends on. I think they should vote for the important president which is the person that will safe their country from bad and dirty things.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What do Nigeria's election results tell us so far?

the Nigerian election coalition  has updated its site with more numbers and has helpfully organized them into charts. The results for the House of Representatives are broadly similar, except that so far the ANPP has no seats. This is the result of the senate election in Nigeria: People’s Democratic Party (PDP, currently holds the presidency and legislative majorities): 55, Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN): 13, All Nigeria People’s Party (ANPP): 7, Congress for Progressive Change (CPC): 6, Others: 5. Since 1999, the PDP has enjoyed national dominance, though regional politics certainly continued. The ACN also generated excitement by nominating former anti-corruption official Nuhu Ribadu as its presidential candidate. , the ACN has won the most seats in this election, but other parties are attempting to claim the progressive mantle as well.

I Think the update of the election is pretty good because jonathan is winning the election, i hope he win because he is the one they need to protect their country and  he is good and hornest with his people. Jonathan will help and free the people of nigeria from their dirty works and all the problem they have. I said that because in 2007 when he was their president, he take good care of the country and he give his peole good education. and there was no problem in the country but now their country has a ot of problem like people died a lot.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Nigeria delays vote for third time in some areas

Nigeria election as been delay for the third time  now. The election was delay because there wasnt enough vote. The second delay also pushed back presidential and state polls that are due to follow. the election suppose to be takin place on saturday but they postponed it. Consequently, while elections will in general take place next Saturday, it has become inevitable to postpone elections in a few affected constituencies, that is 15 senatorial districts  and 48 federal constituencies. Nigeria has 109 senators and 360 house of representative members.

I think they postponed the election because they dont't want any violence during the election, i think thats the best thing to do. I the people should vote without bringing violence in to it. The same people that bring the violence in 2007  are the same people  that was killed in it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Violence marks run-up to Nigerian elections

There was a violence take place in nigeria, its was a riots, bombings and assassinations in Nigeria. Several people got killed, maimed, kidnapped or intimidated for political reasons pose the single most significant threat to the conduct of general elections. they said that at least 70 people have been killed in political violence. An Islamic militant group killed three people this week at a rally in the north,  At the same event police stopped two heavy explosives.  They said that police couldn't stop the bloodshed. the election chief  promise that there will be no violence at the election in April.

I think the people shouldn't try to make this election violence like they did at the last one, they should just tyr to vote for who they want to be president. because sometimes the person they wanted to be president, if that person lose, thats was start the violence, it happien last time.


GTBank to sell N30bn toxic loans to AMCON

GTBank plane to sell $1.7 billion of toxic  to AMCON which was normaling selling for $4 billion.  thats y the
bank reduce its loan ration from 12.2 cent to 6.79 per cent, but guaranty plan to expand their loan to 15 per
cent this year. GTB share stock declined with NSE. NSE has gain more this year  compare with the decline they
shear with GTB. Meanwhile ETI bad loan dropped, But net interest increase last year.

I think GTBank should have sell the toxic the right prize to AMCON. They sholdn't even be selling toxic to any bank for that matter. i think AMCON shouldn't buy the toxic, but if they really need it than they can buy it but they don't so y will they buy it for that amount of money.